Are you finding it nearly impossible to avoid SPF warnings and bathing suit ads? Even though it might seem like everyone and their mom is heading to the beach for spring break, there are plenty of other ways to have a good time that don't involve tropical waters and pink sunsets.
You can turn your non-traditional vacation into a fun time, without all the bells and whistles of a beach getaway. Here are six ways you can have a fun spring break without needing to spend it getting sun-kissed.
1. Have a movie or TV marathon with your friends. There's nothing wrong with wanting to turn your brain off for a night (or two) and catch up on a new TV series everyone's raving about, or even re-watch a bunch of your favorite flicks. The best kind of marathons are the ones when you and your friends can quote each movie, line by line.
2. Explore a local treasure you normally don't have time for. Whether you're from a major city with lots of attractions or a small town where there isn't always a major buzz, there are hidden gems worthy of discovering in everyone's hometown. Some may be more interesting than others, but taking the time to find out more about where you're from may end up being beneficial... and a good time!
3. Go on a spontaneous adventure. Sometimes the best memories and most fun times you look back on aren't the ones you plan for in the first place. Don't hesitate to jump in the car with a couple of friends and decide randomly where you're headed or just pick somewhere different. As long as you stay safe, being spontaneous and thinking outside of the box usually makes for a fun experience.
4. Invent something. If you feel yourself getting a little stir crazy, try your hand at combining the thing you're most passionate about with something you've always wanted to see come to life. Put your free time to good use and brainstorm a unique idea to make something that's of interest to you -- no one ever said vacations can't be a little bit productive.
5. Read that trashy, non-academic book you've been dying to get your hands on. Required reading for school takes up enough time as it is, don't stress about getting ahead or reading anything academic while you're on vacation. It is, however, the ideal time to catch up on a less serious work of fiction that you can enjoy simply for the fun and pleasure in reading.
6. Get involved in the new Hadouken Internet meme. The Harlem Shake videos are now a thing of the past, since the Hadouken memehas started to spread around the Internet. Even though these photos are becoming increasingly better known, they haven't yet reached their height of popularity. It's not too late to throw your hat in the ring and make your own Hadouken meme before it picks up too much ground.